Little League / Pony League  

High Quality Material 

Fits in most Bat Bags

Optimal Size  34" x  54"

Hitting Drills Without The Matt

Hitting Drills With The Matt

See The Difference You Can Do So Much More

Easy To Read and Understand 

*Scale for footwork                                 

*Diagrams are large colorful and easy to follow 

*Contact Zone - Outside, Middle and Inside

*Contact Points used for hitting drills

*Contact Points show batters where contact is made

*Players can easily practice without a coach 

Placing a Batting Tee On The Matt

*Guide Lines make it easy to place the Batting Tee

*Tee's with a nine inch base are easier to use

Some Drills Require a Ball To Be Tossed

*The example is a right handed batter   

*The Coach, Parent or Player will sit on a bucket

*They will sit at an angle across from the batter

*They will toss a ball underhanded over the Target Ball (T)

*The Target Ball can be set at any Contact Point

*Players can work on any pitch

*Also the tosser can toss it at any height (knee to belt)

*The batter works on stance-stride-power base, bat angle 


Setting Up

*The stance should be around shoulder width   

*Measure the batters back - edge of arm to edge of arm 

*Example to the right: the player measured 16"             

*You can add up to three inches if needed                                

*In this case  2" were added so the stance is 18"

Setting Markers For Your Stance

*Lay the mat out 

*Distance the batter stands from home plate 

*Rule of thumb - a bats length away from home plate 

*Place the bat across the matt   

*Barrel will be in line with the edge of the contact zone

*Lay a ball beside the knob end of the bat  (0)   (18)    

*Batters Feet will stand in front of the markers   

*In this example the batters stance is 18"

Working On Your Stride    (example)

*The batter will get into their stance   

*The lead foot points towards the (0)                              

*The back foot points towards the (18)     

*The batter will stride to the 3 then the 6 the 9 and so on       

*The batter will determine which stride is the best                   

*The stride should not be restricted or unbalanced 

*In this example the batter choose a 6"stride     

*Remember the longer the stride the longer the swing   

*Placed a ball in front of the 6

Understanding Your Power Base

*Stance is 18" +  Stride is 6" =  Power Base is 24" 

*The Power Base can't be restricted or unbalanced        

*The batter must work on a rheumatic stride                          

*A rheumatic stride is not quick but slow and easy      

*Example - heel / toe up off the ground                            

*Stride - toe / heel down on the ground   

*Not quick but slow and easy